So the other day, I saw something on Facebook that really irritated me (shocking, I know). I waited a few days because I felt like I've ranted about a lot of things during pregnancy, but this one really stuck with me and bothered me. It was a simple question posted by someone I don't know, I happened to see if because one of my Facebook friends commented. The question read "two piece swimsuit eight months pregnant, yes or no."
Well being eight months pregnant currently, I obviously had to click. I should probably disclose that at this moment I'm driving 8 hours in a car with a husband who purposely downloaded karaoke versions of songs to sing the entire way, so my state of mind isn't fantastic. However, still several days later the comments bothered me deeply. Why is this even a question? Why do you even care what someone else is wearing? Some simply said yes or no, and some were straight up butt holes (to use my big girl words).
First off, if you are a man, you have absolutely nothing to say in this argument, and many were, including the poster. Can you grow a freaking human being in your body? No? Oh that's what I thought... So end of discussion. No one would EVER dream of telling a man with a beer belly to "cover up" or "put a shirt on" at the beach! Why? Because that's straight up rude.
This brings me to my second point. Men and women of the world, you're perfectly fine showing off a few extra pounds of McDonalds at the beach, so why in the world would a woman growing a human being be expected to cover up? It's a freaking miracle that's happening over here... Not just too much sodium at lunch. If anyone should be embarrassed, it's not the latter.
Last, women of the world, can we agree to give each other a mother freaking break?! A woman actually commented "at home it's ok but you should cover that up in public". Are you kidding me?! I'm going to assume you have terrible self esteem because no woman should ever shame a pregnant woman for the way she looks. We should be supporting one another and encouraging each other, not making women feel as though something is wrong with them for the dang miracle of life. Women are the harshest critics of other women, we've known this for a while. But MAN wait until you're pregnant... It goes to a whole new level.
Ok, now I feel better. Sorry if my blog posts are obnoxious, but I decided to just tell it like it is. No one prepares you for the rudeness of others during pregnancy. As my wise sister said hours after giving birth "man, pregnancy just kinda sucked... But this is what makes it all worth it" as she held my extremely perfect in every way niece (fact).
Until that moment, I will continue to entertain you with my hormonal rants of an 8 month pregnant person who has a little boy trying to break her ribs daily. ;) I will also continue to wear a two piece until I (there's the only word that matters in this sentence) feel uncomfortable and don't want to.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Week 28
Sutton is measuring at exactly 28 weeks and is perfect! In her words, however, "dang, he is up there, I mean he is really high in your ribs". Thank you, I hadn't noticed! *By hadn't noticed I mean I'm fairly certain one of my ribs is consistently bruised!
On a fantastic note, probably as a product of this child hanging out in and around my ribs, my acid reflux has been off the charts. I've had this for as long as I can remember and its like it took steroids and hung out in some nuclear waste to get 1 billion percent worse. I finally got a glorious prescription that has basically eradicated my acid reflux completely, which is the greatest gift I could've received...besides cupcakes. I mean, waking up covered in vomit and only sleeping 20-30 minutes at a time was fun and all, but I'm pretty pumped that's over for now. I've also been having Braxton Hicks contractions which are just real weird. I get them almost every night now. I google a lot to make sure I'm not dying or in labor or something.
I also turned 28 on Saturday. That just seems real old guys. I knowwww if you're reading this and you're over the age of 30 you are saying cuss words at me right now, but 28 is just very close to 30. Now, there is nothing wrong with 30, it's just that I don't feel a day over 23 and I'm just really not sure how that happened or what really occurred during the last 5 years. I also had a grey eye brow situation happen, which I may have cried about. My day of birth...27 weeks 5 days preggo.
All in all we are getting really excited for Mr. Sutton's arrival. I still feel 100% unprepared to be fully responsible for keeping a human being alive and making sure he turns out to be a decent human being and stuff...I'm hoping everyone feels like this. If not, please do not call DCFS on me, I promise I'll get my life together in the next 2 1/2 months.
Also, I'm pretty nervous given my husbands current occupation of being the most awesome drummer in existence, that he will be away when I go into labor. I have been promised if he is, they will get his hiney back here asap, but I reallyyyyy do not want to experience even a tiny part of this without him. So if you wouldn't mind, say a little prayer or 12 that Sutton's entrance into this world will not be 1/10th as dramatic as his mother is.
Anywho, all and all May has been a great month and I can't wait for my niece's arrival any day now!